Your membership helps us pay for recurring expenses such as rent on our storage facility, website subscription, newsletter printing, and water sampling supplies.
We offer five membership levels:
Midge Fly – $20 slightly spasmic, small in size and large in number if water quality is poor
Mayfly – $30 gilled, three tailed, fish catchers; making hay in the aquatic environment
Damselfly/Dragonfly – $50 diverse & beautiful, slender & stout, paddle tails and farting trails
Caddisfly – $100 home builders and space snugglers hiding out from the hustle and bustle
Dobsonfly (Sponsor) – $500 the original gangster of the aquatic macroinvertebrate world
Donations to UOWN are tax deductible.
Select your desired level then click donate. You will forwarded to PayPal where you can pay using your PayPal account or any major credit card. Please include a mailing address so that we can send you a thank you card, receipt, and newsletter.