River Rendezvous

April 20, 2024
9 a.m. to 1 p.m
Sandy Creek Nature Center
After a brief orientation (coffee provided) volunteers will go to various stream sites in the Athens area where they will monitor for biological, bacterial, and/or chemical water quality. Volunteers drive to 2-4 sites with 2-3 other volunteers and collect water samples that are then brought back and tested on site. No experience needed. Just dress to get wet and dirty.
UOWN uses the information collected to track the health of our streams and detect water quality issues. The results are shared with local and state organizations. This is a great way to put in some outdoor volunteer time and learn water quality testing procedures.
Those obtaining water samples for chemical analysis (pH, turbidity, conductivity, etc.) need not have any previous training or experience.
Those that wish to collect aquatic invertebrate samples must have completed training in the proper techniques for collecting macroinvertebrate samples. Training using the Adopt-A-Stream methodology is acceptable. If you feel you have appropriate training that is not through Adopt-A-Stream please indicate such training on the registration page.
Register to participate via GivePulse.
Thanks to our 2024 sponsors!
Along with memberships, River Rendezvous sponsorships are critical in supporting UOWN’s work on behalf of our community and waterways.